
Division 1 - League Stats


Pos  Name                        Games    Goals
1    M_McKay (fcp)                   8        7
2    T_Yeboah (evn)                  7        6
3    Muller (sfc)                    7        6
4    Jeffinho (fcp)                  8        6
5    R_V_Persie (irm)                8        6
6    D_Bergkamp (nwt)                6        5
7    L_Griffiths (evn)               7        5
8    Ivica_Strok (rfc)               7        5
9    C_Wilson (nwt)                  8        5
10   L_Guilherme (lpl)               7        4
11   Senior (nwt)                    7        4
12   C_Ronaldo (rmd)                 7        4
13   Bojan (sfc)                     8        4
14   A_Irving (lpl)                  5        3
15   Van_Basten (sfc)                6        3
16   J_Cummings (irm)                6        3
17   Demba_Ba (lpl)                  7        3
18   M_Salah (bnm)                   8        3
19   J_Charles (jvt)                 8        3
20   Tatanka (jvt)                   8        3


Pos  Name                        Games    Shots
1    J_Charles (jvt)                 8       48
2    M_Salah (bnm)                   8       43
3    P_B_E_Dybala (nwt)              8       31
4    R_V_Persie (irm)                8       29
5    M_McKay (fcp)                   8       28
6    Ivica_Strok (rfc)               7       26
7    Muller (sfc)                    7       24
8    Tatanka (jvt)                   8       24
9    T_Yeboah (evn)                  7       23
10   Jeffinho (fcp)                  8       23
11   Bojan (sfc)                     8       22
12   L_Griffiths (evn)               7       21
13   R_Lewandowski (amn)             8       21
14   J_Cummings (irm)                6       20
15   C_Wilson (nwt)                  8       20
16   L_Guilherme (lpl)               7       17
17   G_Cano (bfa)                    8       17
18   M_Jardel (rmd)                  9       16
19   M_Skiba (lpl)                   6       15
20   C_Ronaldo (rmd)                 7       15


Pos  Name                        Games  Assists
1    W_Dustice (bfa)                 8        5
2    J_Drummond (lpl)                6        4
3    Zico (sfc)                      6        3
4    Senior (nwt)                    7        3
5    B_Guimaraes (evn)               8        3
6    Enrique (sfc)                   8        3
7    Max_Puissance (nwt)             3        2
8    F_Ruiz (bnm)                    5        2
9    Draxler (sfc)                   6        2
10   F_Ljungberg (bnm)               7        2
11   G_Mamardashvi (bnm)             7        2
12   AFrizzel (fcp)                  7        2
13   N_Raskin (amn)                  7        2
14   J_Cruyff (nwt)                  7        2
15   J_Baxter (rfc)                  7        2
16   Y_Tielemans (evn)               8        2
17   M_Sorrentino (fcp)              8        2
18   K_Black (rfc)                   8        2
19   C_Chukwuemek (bnm)              5        1
20   M_Oriley (bnm)                  5        1

Key Passes

Pos  Name                        Games   Passes
1    A_Rabiot (jvt)                  8       22
2    N_Barella (evn)                 8       21
3    F_Ljungberg (bnm)               7       19
4    D_Maradona (bfa)                7       19
5    N_Raskin (amn)                  7       19
6    D_Rice (evn)                    8       19
7    D_Cooper (rfc)                  8       19
8    T_Stark (amn)                   7       18
9    Y_Tielemans (evn)               8       18
10   N_Sirrah (fcp)                  8       18
11   F_Ruiz (bnm)                    5       17
12   Draxler (sfc)                   6       17
13   D_Baboescu (rmd)                7       17
14   Enrique (sfc)                   8       17
15   K_Black (rfc)                   8       17
16   AFrizzel (fcp)                  7       16
17   A_Postecoglou (irm)             7       16
18   Ru_B_Perry (nwt)                8       15
19   J_Barjonas (rfc)                8       15
20   Ze_Roberto (lpl)                7       14

Key Tackles

Pos  Name                        Games  Tackles
1    P_Chielini (irm)                6       19
2    A_Odriozola (fcp)               8       19
3    A_Nesta (evn)                   8       17
4    N_Vidic (bnm)                   7       16
5    T_Lee (rfc)                     7       15
6    J_A_Boumsong (fcp)              8       15
7    D_Rose (bfa)                    8       15
8    A_Bah (bfa)                     8       15
9    L_Dixon (amn)                   8       15
10   S_Botman (nwt)                  8       15
11   Gary_Gillespi (rfc)             8       15
12   Y_Mina (evn)                    8       14
13   Lee_Ho (rmd)                    8       14
14   C_Nostra (irm)                  7       13
15   Alberto (sfc)                   8       13
16   Josimar (sfc)                   8       13
17   P_Kachu (nwt)                   8       13
18   B_Borello (irm)                 6       12
19   Maik_Nawrocki (lpl)             8       12
20   R_Huth (sfc)                    5       11

Man of the Match Awards

Pos  Name                        Games    MoMs
1    Muller (sfc)                    7        3
2    M_Salah (bnm)                   8        3
3    R_V_Persie (irm)                8        3
4    Ivica_Strok (rfc)               7        2
5    M_McKay (fcp)                   8        2
6    J_Charles (jvt)                 8        2
7    W_Dustice (bfa)                 8        2
8    Bojan (sfc)                     8        2
9    P_B_E_Dybala (nwt)              8        2
10   M_Oriley (bnm)                  5        1
11   A_Irving (lpl)                  5        1
12   J_Lingaurd (lpl)                5        1
13   M_Skiba (lpl)                   6        1
14   Van_Basten (sfc)                6        1
15   T_Yeboah (evn)                  7        1
16   Ze_Roberto (lpl)                7        1
17   Demba_Ba (lpl)                  7        1
18   A_Odriozola (fcp)               8        1
19   Jeffinho (fcp)                  8        1
20   G_Scirera (jvt)                 8        1


Pos  Name                        Games    Saves
1    D_Vukovic (fcp)                 8       54
2    S_T_Perry (sfc)                 8       47
3    P_Shilton (nwt)                 8       47
4    A_Boruc (rmd)                   8       43
5    A_Bayindir (evn)                8       41
6    Fabianski (lpl)                 8       39
7    Lev_Yashin (irm)                8       38
8    Petrovic (bnm)                  8       36
9    M_Balfor (jvt)                  8       36
10   P_McCloy (rfc)                  8       30
11   Stefano_Greco (amn)             6       29
12   P_Gazzaniga (bfa)               8       28
13   R_Riou (bnm)                    5       12
14   R_Randolph (jvt)                2        4
15   Brad_Viner (amn)                2        3
16   M_Kingsley (amn)                3        3
17                                   0        0
18                                   0        0
19                                   0        0
20                                   0        0

Goals Conceded

Pos  Name                        Games      Con
1    A_Bayindir (evn)                8       16
2    Petrovic (bnm)                  8       14
3    A_Boruc (rmd)                   8       14
4    P_Gazzaniga (bfa)               8       13
5    D_Vukovic (fcp)                 8       12
6    Fabianski (lpl)                 8       12
7    P_Shilton (nwt)                 8       12
8    P_McCloy (rfc)                  8       11
9    Stefano_Greco (amn)             6       10
10   R_Riou (bnm)                    5        9
11   M_Balfor (jvt)                  8        9
12   S_T_Perry (sfc)                 8        9
13   M_Kingsley (amn)                3        5
14   Lev_Yashin (irm)                8        5
15   R_Randolph (jvt)                2        2
16   Brad_Viner (amn)                2        2
17                                   0        0
18                                   0        0
19                                   0        0
20                                   0        0

Minutes Played

Pos  Name                        Games     Mins
1    Lev_Yashin (irm)                8      770
2    P_Shilton (nwt)                 8      768
3    Petrovic (bnm)                  8      765
4    P_Gazzaniga (bfa)               8      765
5    A_Bayindir (evn)                8      759
6    D_Vukovic (fcp)                 8      758
7    S_T_Perry (sfc)                 8      758
8    P_McCloy (rfc)                  8      758
9    Fabianski (lpl)                 8      748
10   D_Suker (bfa)                   8      739
11   A_Boruc (rmd)                   8      734
12   N_Sirrah (fcp)                  8      729
13   M_Sorrentino (fcp)              8      729
14   J_Charles (jvt)                 8      714
15   M_McKay (fcp)                   8      711
16   A_Odriozola (fcp)               8      710
17   Pote (fcp)                      8      707
18   R_V_Persie (irm)                8      706
19   W_Morgan (bfa)                  8      702
20   Jeffinho (fcp)                  8      696


Pos  Name                        Games       Dp
1    C_Romero (bfa)                  5       20
2    G_Gatusso (irm)                 5       16
3    C_Chukwuemek (bnm)              5       14
4    A_Di_Maria (bfa)                7       14
5    S_Welsh (rmd)                   7       14
6    Ze_Pedro (fcp)                  5       12
7    J_Cummings (irm)                6       12
8    E_Baily (fcp)                   8       12
9    A_Sandro (jvt)                  8       12
10   Max_Puissance (nwt)             3       10
11   T_Sherringham (nwt)             3       10
12   T_Cairney (evn)                 4       10
13   C_C_Vickers (fcp)               4       10
14   P_Nesta (lpl)                   5       10
15   A_Burdisso (bfa)                6       10
16   G_Lo_Celso (sfc)                6       10
17   Van_Basten (sfc)                6       10
18   T_Yeboah (evn)                  7       10
19   N_Vidic (bnm)                   7       10
20   L_Spalletti (irm)               7       10

Player Performances

Pos  Name                        Games    P.Pts
1    Senior (nwt)                    7      10450
2    W_Dustice (bfa)                 8      10182
3    M_McKay (fcp)                   8      9692
4    J_Drummond (lpl)                6      9300
5    Enrique (sfc)                   8      8513
6    P_B_E_Dybala (nwt)              8      8129
7    R_V_Persie (irm)                8      7979
8    J_Charles (jvt)                 8      7581
9    A_Odriozola (fcp)               8      7501
10   Zico (sfc)                      6      7265
11   P_Chielini (irm)                6      7115
12   B_Guimaraes (evn)               8      7007
13   L_Griffiths (evn)               7      6945
14   M_Salah (bnm)                   8      6941
15   Ru_B_Perry (nwt)                8      6869
16   N_Raskin (amn)                  7      6799
17   D_Baboescu (rmd)                7      6575
18   Muller (sfc)                    7      6546
19   Pote (fcp)                      8      6480
20   Jeffinho (fcp)                  8      6418


Pl   Team                    Form
1    Newcastle               -WWWWW
2    Santos_FC               -WLDWW
3    Inter_Milan             -LWDWW
4    Benfica                 -WLWLW
5    Liverpool               -LWWLW
6    FC_Porto                -WLDWD
7    Rangers_FC              -WWLLL
8    Real_Madrid             -LWLWL
9    Juventus                -LDDWD
10   Bayern_Munich           -WLDLL
11   Everton                 -LDDLL
12   AC_Milan                -LLLLL

Average Attendance

Pl   Team                      Games   Total Attendance   Average Attend
1    Rangers_FC                    3             439719           146573
2    FC_Porto                      2             289256           144628
3    Everton                       2             287944           143972
4    Santos_FC                     2             285804           142902
5    Real_Madrid                   3             421360           140453
6    Inter_Milan                   2             274570           137285
7    Juventus                      3             406415           135471
8    Benfica                       2             252962           126481
9    Newcastle                     3             322509           107503
10   Bayern_Munich                 3             300000           100000
11   AC_Milan                      3             289720            96573
12   Liverpool                     2             150000            75000